Setup |
Download files required for the lesson |
8/27/2024 -- In Class |
1. Getting started with R and RStudio
What is R? What is RStudio?
How do I use the RStudio graphical user interface?
How do I perform basic calculations in R?
How do I assign values to variables in R?
What are functions, and how are they used in R?
8/27/2024 -- On Your Own |
2. Getting started with R and RStudio -- Additional Detail
How can I write R code that other people can understand and use?
How do I manage the variables, files, and memory usage in my workspace?
How do I write my own functions?
How do I install and load packages to access application-specific tools?
Where can I get help?
8/29/2024 -- In Class |
3. Basic Data Types and Data Structures in R
What are the most common data types in R?
What are the basic data structures in R?
How do I access data within the basic data structures?
8/29/2024 -- On Your Own |
4. R Data Types -- In-Depth
What are the basic data types in R?
What are factors and how do they differ from other data types?
How is missing data represented in R?
How is infinity represented in R?
9/3/2024 -- In Class |
5. Data Frames, Basic Indexing, Reading/Writing Data
What is a data frame?
How does indexing differ for data frames relative to basic data structures?
How do I access data frame subsets?
How do I read data from a .csv or .txt file into R?
How do I write data to a .csv or .txt file?
9/10/2024 -- In Class |
6. Lists and Advanced Indexing
What are lists and what is their relationship to vectors and data frames?
How can we leverage indexing for more advanced data extraction?
9/12/2024 -- In Class |
7. Manipulating and Plotting Data
How do I read data from a .csv or .txt file into R?
How do I write data to a .csv or .txt file?
How do I calculate simple statistics from my data?
How can I plot my data?
How do I save my plots to a PDF file?
9/12/2024 -- On Your Own |
8. Advanced Data Manipulation and Plotting
How do I rapidly calculate statistics based on relevant variables in a dataset?
How to I begin to build more complex graphics?
What tools are available for generating publication quality graphics in R?
9/17/2024 -- In Class |
9. Decision Making and Loops
How do I write code to make decisions about data?
How do I use the same code to treat different data sets in different ways?
How can I perform the same operations on multiple data sets or across multiple subsets of a single dataset?
9/17/2024 -- On Your Own |
10. Decision Making and Loops -- Additional Detail
What operators and functions are available for running test in if statements?
Are there different indexing strategies for different situations using a for loop?
Should I use a loop or an apply statement?
9/19/2024 -- In Class |
11. Distributions and Normality
What is the difference between the population and sampling distribution?
Which distribution is more important for hypothesis testing?
What is the normal distribution and what are it’s attributes?
How can I tell if my data is normally distributed?
9/19/2024 -- On Your Own |
12. Distributions and Normality -- Additional Detail
Is there a statistical method for assessing normality?
What options do I have if my data is not normally ditributed?
9/24/2024 -- In Class |
13. Hypothesis Testing
What is the formal process for hypothesis testing?
How does hypothesis testing relate to the population and sampling distributions?
What are the assumptions of a t-test?
What does a P-value mean?
What is the right statistical test to use for my data?
9/24/2024 -- On Your Own |
14. Multiple Test Correction
What is the consequence of running multiple statistical comparisons?
How do we define a family of tests?
What are the strategies for controlling error in multiple testing?
9/26/2024 -- In Class |
15. Survival Analysis
How is time-to-event data structured?
What are the elements that separate time-to-event data from single-point observations?
How do we visualize time-to-event data?
What statistical tests are available for time-to-event data hypothesis testing?
9/26/2024 -- On Your Own |
16. Advanced Survival Analysis
How do you extract life table information from survfit() objects in R?
How do you plot age-specific mortality (aka the hazard function) when a life table is not provided?
10/8/2024 -- In Class |
17. Power Analysis
What is power analysis and what is its primary goal?
What aspects of an experimental design can be tweaked to prepare for statistical testing?
What is our primary tool for increasing power to detect?
10/10/2024 -- On Your Own |
18. Simulating Experiments
What is a simulated experiment?
What are the applications for simulated experiments?
How can we use simulation to improve (and generalize) power analysis?
12/3/2024, 12/5/2024, 12/10/2024 |
19. Final Projects
What are the requirements of the MCB 585 individual class projects?